Monday, August 16, 2010



"F*K OFF!"


Only that voice could stop him. From progressing. From fleeing. From escaping.

Afternoon's summer sun shone into the room but he was crying.

Betrayed, again.
Raped, again.

He could not take it anymore. He was about to get up -

but his head too was heavy - like a huge iron - he slumped back down into the bed. HIS BED!!!! "I want to go home...Ian.." He closed his eyes and turned to his side in pain.

"Do not mention his name ever again."

The voice was firm - and deadly.

The voice reached into his head. He recognised it.


He felt a shadow looming over him, "Hai.." he heard the voice..him..

"I hate you.." he snuggled up to the warm embrace, "..i think.."

A gentle chuckle danced in the air. "Really, you think?" He felt warm lips pressing onto his forehead. "Sleep, all will be fine.."

"Sensei.." Hypontised by his new lover's voice he could only reach out feebly before he drifted to sleep.

I'm here
always with you.


Explodreamer said...

Oooo~~~ I like this prequel XD It'd be nice if it was longer :D Details, detail :P

But it's so so so sexy.

AlmondClover said...

Agree, it was fast-paced. Your reader's won't get bored with a little extra detail! :)

But yes, it was rather yummy.