Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hana sighed.


"Now why in the world would anyone thought of that?! What, because we have a Japanese CEO and manager - of all managers it HAD to be in THIS department!"

A snicker from Ian got him poked in the ribs. Ignoring his yelp, Hana continued rattling until the cows could come home.


As usual in the office everyone was furiously typing away, trying to meet their project deadlines - all except one.


That one was totally spaced out, eyes to the ceiling, going "hmmm..", immersed in thoughts.

"Oi. Te me."

That got his partner jolt in offence.

"This is an office. Remember whose department THIS belongs to."

"Wakatta nya.." an exaggerated nasal tone replied, "Demo.."

"Demo nanda," an exasperated tone replied.

"Don't know wat cosplay nya."

A thud and a yelp followed as two young - adults - got into a playful tussle in the office.


But there was another event that got everyone talking in the company. Hana's off-casual remark seemed to get someone's attention and the Human Resource Department decided to go ahead with it.

Company calendar. With the prettiest/most handsome staff featured on each month.

That got everyone looking at one another whispering and giggling as they pointed excitedly at the "potentials".

Manager Tezuka Kunimitsu was not spared.

Everyday - day in, day out - he would be gazed at and he could heard off-distant (although they sound within earshot) squeals whenever he walked past. Even the seniors gave him looks of approval as they scrutinised him from head to shoe.

He had spoken to Fuji about it during a private lunch but in Fuji's mind could only hear Hana's squeals and teasings about Tezuka and could barely control his sunshine smile - that made Manager Tezuka a little exasperated.

"Oh I'm sorry," Fuji's azure eyes slightly widened at his close friend's reaction - but chuckled, just like everyone's reaction.

Of course Manager Tezuka was not spared in his department.

Both Hana and Ian had been teasing him everywhere with squeals, sighs and so on. The whole IT department had almost caused the server to crash with their overwhelming votes for their "suteki!!!" manager.

But what Hana and Ian did not know was - the rest of the department also voted their names together with Manager Tezuka.

It was too late when they realised that fact. Everyone in the department snickered, totally ignoring loud whinings of protests from both of their colleagues when they received emails that they had to follow their manager for a photo shoot.


"Do suru!!!"

"Don't 'Do' me," Ian struggled as he tried to break away from Hana's grip, "your fault anyway. Who asked u to say so loud that i look good posing at the our 'company lovely-designed doors'?!"

"But u do wat!!!" came the loud protest.

"I'm going to kill you."


The calendar was out and snapped up so fast that an extra order had to be made - a breakthrough in company's history of their products. What got everyone to buy was three of their staff had filled up more than one month's page due to overwhelming response because a few had pulled out in pressure after seeing how popular these three had been and other departments had changed their votes for these three in the "Most Photogenic Contest".

But the Most Photogenic Three staff did not buy their company's calendar.

One knew all three could pose so well that they didn't need the calendars for "posing-evaluation".

The other was embarrassed about it (but secretly had to admit that his friend was right about posing at the company doors and he enjoyed all the positive reactions he got whenever he walked past).

The third was too embarrassed to even think about it - even parking his car could be a problem because the female staff would fill almost the whole of his car's surface with stick-on love-notes - much to the overwhelming delight and teases of the two - and their "overall friend" - Fuji Syusuke.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Before You Go

All was quiet.

Darkness faded, greeted by the soft rays of the morning sun filling up the room. Clothes were tossed carelessly all around, surrounding the bed with its blanket half hanging at its side, saved by its other half which is also almost to its bedside, held on by a sleeping beauty.

The alarm rang, signalled by its radio. A hand weakly reached out, gropped around it and switched it off. A moan got the other to stir beside him.

"Morning.." was his usual greeting.."you have to go?"

In reply his lover kissed him on his forehead, stroking the stray strands of his fringe. "I have to."

"How long?"

"Months," was the almost curt answer as warmth left him replaced by a cold blanket.

"Will back?"

The rustling of a shirt stopped.

Tezuka Kunimitsu sat onto the bed, right beside Fuji who reached out and trailed his fingers along his lover's member, softly laughing in delight at his lover who went hard immediately, "Syusuke.."

It was Fuji's idea to break the tradition of calling each other not by surname - more intimate that way, he told his lover who blushed - always immediately - whenever Fuji would tease him.


"Can't what?" he had slid himself up towards his lover's ear, whispering silkly, taking his lover's hand to his own member, fingering his lovers' fingers to feel him.

"Fu.." he tried to dissuade - but it was always futile. At the back of his mind he asked himself if what they had been doing was right. How would anyone not notice the strange vibes of intimitacy they are silently exchanging with each other?

Poker face, just like that fella his lover had answered him.


Fuji's eyes flared open as he grabbed his lover's hand away from him before he hurt him with his grip. Without a word, his lover shot up from the bed and began dressing himself quickly before another wave of suggestion would stop him again.

"That are thinking about him?"

Only Fuji's voice could stop what Tezuka Kunimitsu was doing - anything.

Fuji could only see his lover's back. There was no response - but he knew his lover was blaming himself again.

Inui was too strong - he did not underestimate their data collector. Neither did he blame his lover. He knew this would happen. And the same with Oshitari.

His lover knew something was amiss when he found Oshitari's racket in their sports room.

Broken. He was the only one who could pull his lover back to him.

That day practice had ended. Everyone had gone home. Except for two - in the sports room. 

They had not been speaking to each other since then. Fuji was the first to break the silence with a letter that almost made his lover ran almost frantically back to class from the restroom after the bell had rung, much to his delight, and smiled as Kikamaru saw the "flying captain" and came up with so many possibilities of why their captain's punctuality record been broken.

Was it yesterday..his sister would not be coming home. Fuji would be alone. He knew everyone was staring at their captain (who had been silent with a gaze that was stricter than usual) but he distracted them (their captain was really overwhelmed with their endless questions of concern and well-wishes) with his sunshine smile that would melt even the "kun" girls as they both left school for the day. Tezuka..t'is the night or never..

Tezuka would be leaving for Germany soon - today..

All he ever wanted was to be with him but he could not say it, only to find himself burying his tear-streaked face on the smooth strong back of his lover. His body was wracked with sobs as he felt his lover turning around and held him in the soft warm darkness of comfort. No one else could give him such security, such silent reassurance of loving him all over again.

"Suman," he heard his lover whispered. It was further emphasised with Tezuka's voluntary response to stay bed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



Tezuka hid his smile as he watched his interpreter struggled with her name tag.

"I hate the idea of being labelled," Johanna muttered in irritation. "And what - there aren't any English speaking receptionists?!"

"They came..after our arrival," his gentle voice calmed her nervousness - and only his embrace could calm her. Johanna looked around. No embrace, too public.

Sensing her uneasiness - it was her first time attending such a - as she put it - "overseas big business event" - Tezuka could only externalise his calm composure, knowing that his interpreter would always be beside him, and - as she put it - "taking the vibes off" of him.

The young manager smiled warmly as he silently observed his fellow young delegate who by now - nervousness slowly subsiding - was open-jawed in childlike fascination at the architecture of the building. Surely she would say - and she did, "If only I could take pictures of its structure!"

Johanna Syusuke. Distant cousin of Fuji Syusuke, the genius of Seigaku tennis club, a regular who participated in various tennis matches - and won against a competitor who sucessfully mimicked Tezuka's every technique. Or rather, Hana Syusuke, as Fuji shortened it for her as she told Fuji that she would like to have a Japanese name in honour of her cousin who donated his blood for her during her medical condition in her earlier years - and to have a - as she told her cousin - "a proper Japanese passport".

"Please do not mind Hana," Fuji emailed to Tezuka. "She's not impolite but she is shy to look at you. I noticed that she would blush everytime you talk to her when you were tutoring her and when she tries to talk to you. But ever since that unfortunate incident she couldn't look at you as the hurt is too great for her. She told me that she is grateful and willing to owe you for what you have done for her."

That happened at Hana's first year when some Hyoutei's students came spying on Seigaku's tennis regulars and found her all alone. Tezuka was the one who held her as Fuji tried to wrap her around with anything the regulars could find and he unconsciously muffled her crying screams as she buried her face to his chest.

So much has happened through the years as Fuji emailed him constantly. "Perhaps this is fate.." one of his emails stated, "please take care of her as I'm not always with her."

And slowly the droning noise of the crowd brought Tezuka Kunimitsu back to the present. He sensed Hana's readiness to move to the lift lobby.

A voice, warm, gentle and strong whisper into her ear, "Sa, yudan sezu ni ikou."

With such a rare gentle humour in his voice too. Hana Syusuke did not hide her blush as she lifted her gaze to his.

"Hai, buchou."

Monday, July 27, 2009

I sp-i with my littl' i (warning yaoi)

that mouthes just one letter


that chokes me
everytime i taste you
as you thrust yourself deep into the back of mouth, choking me with a happiness that i cannot describe, feeling your hips banging onto me, every single slam..i could hold no longer, really no longer as I want to be in your arms, holding me like tonight's the last night of our lives, to hear your gasp as you force yourself deeper

you stopped.."you're bleeding.."

"no..go on.."


It took quite some time for Tezuka Kunimitsu to walk out of the restroom.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



Hira was rudely awaken with a slap on his face.

"I'm awake," he muttered, with a stinging pain on his right cheek, "Chisa."

The little girl giggled at the mention of her name.

But it was the dark silhouette of a figure that got him scrambling to a kneeling position. "Captain!" He bowed.

"Be ready." The silhouette disappeared as he caught a glimpse of his Captain's departure through the room door, accompained by the all-too-familiar giggle.

It was then he realised he was not dressed at all.

The peaceful morning sky was almost sliced with a high-pitched male holler of revenge.




With a slight bow, a fair-skinned male with chin length blonde-hair set the teacup gently onto the red-clothed golden table as the figure gently lifted his teacup for a sip. There was no expression on the captain's face except for a tensed strain of a thin fibre his facial muscles unknown to even the sharpest eye - unless one has gone beyond one's state of actualisation to achieve a higher perfection of skill - to which the young male's eyes shone with warmth at the captain's approval.

"From the High Mountains of Grove, Sire," he bowed, noticing the unseen transition to the silhouette to the window - while the same figure had relaxed - almost daintily - crossing his leg over the other, eyes staring at its own silhouette by the window.

The resting lounge was huge. Walls of rosewood colour stood tall and stretched, protecting everyone within. The windows stood twice a man's height, its golden sills laying across the thick pane further fortified their protection. On the left was a curiously off-coloured turquoise velvet curtain hanging from the ceiling.

However the silhouette chose the conformed velvet curtain colour of deep red.

Sunlight poured into the lounge, spilling its rays, illuminating the silent, heavy - yet peaceful - atmosphere.

"Thy mother.." the silhouette spoke.

"She is well -" Hans fought back the depressing lump in his throat and added - "Sire."

It was a lie but a way to break the atmosphere. Being forced to marry an exiled Captain and raped to bear two sons while being in a family of high nobility was the shame that caused endless slanders and gossips until one of the Captains - in anger at the honour that was tarnished to his lover and her children - commited the highest offence of any Captain - to kill a mortal life before its destined time of death. Yet spared the Captain was - as the reason was of the numerous atrocious deeds of a notorious an exiled Captain who wrecked a mortal family's livehood whose punishment had risen and approved to an execution - only after its death.

The same thoughts that run through their minds everyday, everytime.

"If only I had.."

"No, Sire," Hans' voice gently consoled. "You did what you must." No Soul Captain is allowed to have any relations with mortals even when a Captain is assigned to appear to humans in the mortal dimension.

It was love at first sight.

Captain Bai Shou towered a good height which every woman would be wiling to be with him, even for a second. Gazing into his grey eyes related a story of a lost love while he lived in his Spirit dimension further drove all female - spirit or human - to a swoon. His long black hair streaked with white bore the pain of his lost, framing his slightly angular features. His fair skin pales in the white of snow - as if beckoning to end its existence - as it was when his love had passed away.

It was forbidden to love a princess. Bai Shou accepted his punishment to stay in the dark void of seperation - in a dimension of silence and darkness, except for a few visits from Hira.

But it was not the princess that Hira and Hans were borned of.

"Magdeline.." the voice by the window softly broke in grief. The figure at the table - the eyes have closed and jaw clenched.

"Sire -" Hans would run to the Captain but stopped as he sensed Hira's aura after he appeared in honourary position towards his Captain. A glower from Hans - and he disappeared immediately before Hira's full presence.

The silhouette turned, revealing his full form - the figure at the table had disappeared.

"Hans would be a better soldier." The Captain looked at his 2nd Vice-Captain.

"Captain." Hira acknowledged.


It was the strangest of assignments to Hira - there was no assignment.

All he had to do was to walk beside his Captain while baby-sitting the First Vice-Captain who was squealing with girlish delight as she ran along the flower fields and chasing butterflies. That girl would cause the worst irritation of him someday.

"More than 20 years."

Hira's attention re-focused to his Captain. "Captain?"

The sharp glower from his Captain halted his steps.


If only his Captain would acknowledge.

But his Captain has left a good distance away from him. He knew the only one his Captain would acknowledge was - Hans. Hira reminded himself to excel as much as his younger brother as he tried to catch on his Captain's pace.

"More than twenty years, has it not?"

"Yes, Captain. Thank you for your protection and guidance. I -"

"You have improved."

Hira realised he was alone. Chisa had gone too.

The wind blew up from his back, whipping up his long ash blonde fringe as he stood alone, confused at the sudden disappearance of whom he called his surrogate father, his wracked sobs echoing, crying out for comfort as he spent the remaining hours of the anniversary of the death of exiled Captain Xue - his biological father.

Friday, June 12, 2009

It was one of those days that I had never expected

There I was, in a lift, after a smoke (and after spending quite some time brushing my teeth n gargling to get rid of the smell), smiling my thanks to the lady who pressed the "Door open" lift button.

"Are you from the IT department?"

I would assume she would be a manager, from the way she dressed: jacket and skirt in one colour. She could pass off as average-looking but her dominance surpassed that, not mention her height.

We were made famous at the company's Sports Day. Our manager and I were forced in a singles' tennis matches against rivals who were jealous of the success of our company. They hired professionals who incidentally had a grudge or two against our manager to which one of them just took me on, saying that I looked weak enough. I had no choice but to shock the opponent with a trick or two - aniki would know I would not like executing special techniques but with his approval I was allowed to. Our manager..well, as usual, he had not lost his touch.

Famous but I found myself stammering my answer at the lady's sudden question. She was looking through a small stack of huge envelopes and handed me one of them. Still looking through her pile she handed an envelope to me. "Pass this to Mr Tezuka and get his signature."

"Hai!" I bowed. "Wakari -" I blushed, realising what I had done - she was not speaking Japanese but she sounded so dictative that I could not help it (our manager - to blame). I guess she knew about our manager as well - because we ended up laughing.


I remembered sitting down at my workplace and staring at the envelope for ages - and there was Ian, almost raving in frustration about not me being responsible. Ian would know - I would not dare to step into the office of my manager - my ex-high-school-senior of whom..

"I'll bet ten he'd talk to you."

I hated it. Ian's slinging his arm around my shoulder, teasing me. "Twenty he wouldn't."

"Fourty he will."

"Te me." Stupid money issues.

The secretary ought to be sacked. There was my manager working his life off and there she was filing her nails. May I suggest: spike her drink and paste some Wolverine-like claws on her nails just to freak her out on Halloween.

"What is it."

May I throttle your neck? It looks thin like a rubber chicken. "I was asked to pass this to Mr Tezuka."

It was rare of her to take a second look at the envelope - and the urgency in her voice, "Go."

So youre not taking this document? Damn, I really wanna see you get into trouble and get sacked, not me, you f*king b-

and there was Ian, standing quite far from a distance, with his infamous disapproving scowl but mouthing just one word -


and that was more than enough.


I though I would faint.

There he was, standing by the window.

Things had not been good between him and aniki.

"Buchou.." I want to be in your warm hide..and your embrace..

"'If you love someone, let go', so it is said?"

No..don't turn around..Kunimitsu..

He caught sight of the envelope.

"A-a. Suman."

Has he been waiting for someone familiar to be informal with?


I hated the door. I never wanted to leave.


I would not wait for a response.

"Zette hanasehen de."


I had realised I did not ask aniki about the both of them, nor tell him about me entering buchou's office for the first time in so many months. We were just talking about - I couldn't remember - during our steamboat dinner before we left for the night.

Ma ii, I guess that would be how aniki would want to pass the night.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


Few days left til the end of the holidays.

Shops were open, til late night, trying to make the most out of the sales season. Students from all levels crowded the streets with their outrageous make-up and costumes, some imitating their favourite manga or anime characters, attracting passer-bys' and tourists' attention.

There was one who stood out among the crowd. Plainly-dressed, fair-skinned, rimless-spectacles relfecting the light of the weather - handsome too, as the schoolgirls giggled. His strict expression on his face had given way to slight blushes as the young male stood among the giggling schoolgirls.

It was not surprising that one of them actually picked up the courage and approached him but a voice interrupted the flow of motion.

"Aa, gomen ne."

The girls squealed.

There stood another male, slightly shorter. A neat bob of brown hair framed his delicate features and his smile radiates the surroundings. His gentle voice flowed with his feminine-like gestures and movements = a deadly combination.

Fuji did not mind. In fact, he was smiling - even greeted and waved to them - and he knew none of them. He looked up to his taller partner. "Shall we?" he smiled.

It was the smile that makes still waters bubble with irrationality in one's head. "A-ah" was all his partner would manage, his blush deepened.

"Sa, yudan sezu ni ikou." Fuji smilingly teased, playfully held his partner by the wrist, and - with a intelligent slight twist - almost hauled his partner up onto the stairs of a bus which closed behind them, leaving the commotion behind - and drawing another new wave of stares from the passengers, wondering about the connection between the handsome boys - who suddenly appeared up the bus steps - and the screaming schoolgirls.

Fuji pulled his partner down to the back of the bus where no one could borther them - the backrests were high enough to cover their intimacy - or rather his intimacy then followed by his partner's which would melt into their one intimacy.

"Fuji..exactly what.." Bewilderment slowly melted away as the soft rays of the sun slightly caressed the surface of confusion, gently stroking away all logic, all rationality, all that he had been fighting against, finding himself in the zone which he couldn't manipulate - was peaceful..

Fuji snuggled up in his partner's arms.

"Aishiteru, Tezuka."

Thursday, March 19, 2009


"Hai, Syuusuke desu ka." Sheisse, i'm in Germany, not Japan!
"Studying, naaa.?"
"'re not coming out, naa?"
Damn you! Stop tempting me! "Bastard. I'm no' a genius lik' yer! Even Te-" Oh shit..oh shit..oh shitohshitohshitohshit.."S-sorr'ie..i-i'll c-"
OH SHIT - he's starting it!
"I'm cuming you.."
No, i've had enough. "No, I-I can't. I just can't. I need my studytime. I will be interpreting for Tezuka senpai for his tennis practice today."
" expected from the genius cousin of Syuusuke's..."
No, you're not stalling me. "Oshitari, please-"
"Shall I..?"
"NO!" No, don't, don't go on or else i'll be late. "I-I'll have to call Aniki - now." I can't take this anymore, I've to call Aniki..oh..I think he KNOWS I'll be calling him anytime soon. Why must this happen to me..if only..if only Tezuka-senpai knows..maybe - maybe..
Teme! Just get off the phone already - cos..i..can't..put..down..i wanna hear you..more..AARRRGH!! Damn he wins! "Tonigh' if I'm free I'll call yer."
"A-ah." Finally I can press that damn "off " button.
No need to call. Almost every night he would always find his way in my dormitory - on my bed.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


He gasped, throwing his head back, moaning..his member swelled and hardened, feeling hands slid up to his chest, feeling a biting sensation teasing his nipple. Then he realised what was going on. "Stop! What are you doing?!" he tried to push the burglar away who landed with a loud THUD.

He blinked. Burglar? He looked down at the groaning figure. The heavy smell of alcohol and sweat could choke him to vomit - in fact it was him too - when was that?! His thoughts screamed, struggling to piece the recent memories -

"Ah." He remembered. He had a - many - drinks with T-

"TEZUKA?!" Oshitari Yuushi scrambled frantically towards the headboard - and he thought his skull would smash as pain seared into him, reminding him that it was the wall that his head banged onto.

WALL?! The genius looked behind him - a white wall stretched all way to a bare ceiling [except for a fan of such apartment-design that he wondered when did he allowed such a UDT (unidentified disgusting THING) into his life] to - not his bedroom but - a place he could not recognise.

By now the figure named Tezuka was sitting on the UD - uh - carpet (looked plain but it looked as if of a nicer material so it's worth calling it by its thing-name) - NAKED.

"WHAT-" he looked away, realising he had been staring at the figure's member - still hard even after such a commotion. "T-t" he tried to speak but he couldn't. He felt feverish and his head started spinning. Shaking his head, face buried in his hands..I don't understand

A sob broke his train of thought.

He couldn't understand how he found the strength to move his limbs - indulging in that quick yet gentle brush furs of the blanket tingling onto his own member - kneeling in front of the figure whose body could rip in harsh uncontrollable sobs, supporting the well-angled jaws in his hands, gently guiding the tear-streaked face to his groin, feeling the cold hands wrapping around his skin seeking comfort, "Fuji.."

He understood. Understood it all. He lifted himself a little as he cupped the heart-broken lips to the warmth of his swelling and hardened self, gently prying the comforted man to open, feeling himself sliding into the biting sensation of the teeth, gliding along the little bumps of tastebuds - and a hard shove to the back of the throat, surprising the senses which resonded almost immediately as he felt the once cold hands fingering in the wet warmth of excitement.

NOW - his senses screamed as he shoved himself harder and faster and a sudden burst of ecstasy rushed out, weakened as he sank onto the carpet, gasping for every breath that he could muster as he felt hot breath sucking the life of his own. Wash your mouth..disgusting u -

His eyes flared open in shock, his cry of pain harshly muffled as he met the stone-hard glare of response - he found himself suddenly thrown face-down - he struggled, trying to break free but was trapped by a huge weight, a heavy choking smell of warmth filled with remaining traces of his own semen -

Stop - he pleaded, feeling the merciless painful shots deep within him.

Hot breath tingled his sensation as he heard the voice replied, "..but yesterday you-" his senses heightened as he felt the hard painful sensation into him once more - "LIKEd."

Oh he couldn't..just couldn't..he wanted all of it, forcing himself not to concentrate on a face and a body he knew so well. His muffled cries of struggle melted into endless begging for his captor to hold on a little longer, a little more, his anus sore with repeated rapes but he would not want this moment to pass, not even a millisecond..

His handphone rang in the midst of climaxing - despite Atobe's protests Oshitari grabbed his handphone at the mere glance - faster than his narcissist-lover who was still caught-up in climax - of the name displayed on-screen.

"Na ya! i'm so getting into the shove of things -" he broke in shock as he heard loud music blaring into his eardrums - he recognised that place - long time ago he brought drunken Atobe back from there - and now that same Atobe - slumped in his couch, was glaring at him, lips stiffening a groan of pain as he held back forcefully, feeling the sudden rude coldness of the air on his fair-skinned self.

Oshitari sighed, he was drained out, hoping for himself to be the one to lie down and let someone sore his anus this time. As if in answer by a call, someone would give him a good-shove-of-a-night.

And this wasn't the first time he knew that he would enjoy - from that same someone.

He knew that that someone's lover had left him for no reason whatsoever - or it could be that someone whose stubborness had caused the problem - again. He remembered the coincidental bump-into which ended up an erect - hmm - conversation..

He sighed as he depressed the 'disconnect' button of his handphone. He walked towards the now-almost-hysterical-naggy bitch of his, zipping up the sulking man's pants, kissing him with the silkiest of tone he could manage - something about an eight-year-old-prodigy-girl who needed advice to finish a musical composition before flying with her father who needed to clinch an oil deal in a few hours' time - and walking away into his car - he'd rather drive on his own, good timing too as the chauffeur was sick.

His poker-face expression was wearing off as he tried to hold back his excited self, feeling his own member swelling and hardened, thoughts running wild remembering Tezuka's tight grip and hard shovings threatening to rip him apart in frenzied progression -

NOW - he sighed as warm gushed right into him, feeling the hard pressure inside of him, his captor still pinning him down, not letting go.

The fear of loneliess swept into them once more as they had to hold back their seemingly-forever desire - until he shoved himself into his hysterical narcissist of whom had been waiting long for the moment of pleasure - trying not to think of his night-til-morning-captor who would be sliding his into that genius of a blue-azure eyes of a soft husky voice of an almost-female who could send all rationality out of anyone - and to which he himself had the gratifying pleasure of experiencing it - once - many years ago.

He laid alone in the hotel room, gazing up at the ceiling.

That megane-of-a-weeping-waltzing-cracker finally mustered up the courage and - without a word - left, flushed with - clumsy - embarassment.

He sighed, smoothening the strands of his blue hair as he forced himself to get up as he - felt - the vibrations of his handphone.

Hysterical Narcissist would be hopping mad by now waiting too long - he let that thought passed again - as the message displayed sent all rationality out of Oshitari Yuushi.

"Cuming to thank you for taking care of Tezuka


Monday, February 23, 2009

The Best Time Ever

"Tieria Erde."

All eyes fell on the student who was a sight to behold.

Shoulder-length purple hair. Straight and silky that the girls had been jealously thinking of the most expensive straightener and, what and how much high-end hair products bought and how much time invested to maintain such professional-styled-look everyday.

Large circular-like glasses which framed the transparent-ruby coloured eyes which could BURN at the slightest of emotions. Rumours spread throughout the school that one swore seeing the eyes glowed "rainbow colours against a sharp-yellow-of-many-shades-background".

A slim physique that had the males staring at the delicate curves of the student's biceps, arms, back, trailing down to the most much fantasised legs.

The smoothest and whitest complexion anyone had ever seen that one could imagine the highest level of skin-sensitivity problems - not transparent either - but one could swear a soft strong radiant glow in the days where the sun's rays would burn the life out of anyone.

Again the males in the class found themselves staring at what could be the shortest skirt they'd ever seen laying seductively on the silent deadly soft curves of the silkiest limbs sliding over one another tightly, protectively shielding from what could be the most pivoting climax - anytime soon..

They shiver at the voice - clear and gentle - a male's - titillating to their senses - like a soft pink breeze caressing their skin, calling by name, strong and beckoning them to a hiding place of instant HARD eternal gratification.

A wordless answer, an incoherent response sends them to frenzy - they recognise that tone - clearly a command to check out what really lies in-between those marshmallow-soft legs..

and met the ferocious glares of their girlfriends - which they guiltily tried to hide - unabashed by their behaviour - some even challenged back with their own glares, daring their girlfriends to BE LIKE THAT STUDENT.

Tieria Erde chuckled playfully, remembering it was good manners to cover one's mouth as one should

..again dividing the whole entire class down to the absolute individual's inner struggle of self-debating thoughts of the definition of non-confirmity.

The best time ever.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Visit (WARNING some BL parts)


The tensai smiled, drawing closer to his lover, each exhaled breath moaned teasingly in his lover's ear, "But it's been so long, Tezuka.."

The former captain of Seigaku Tennis Club flushed, stifling a gasp as he felt warm fingers sliding to his inner thigh, teasing his zipper, suddenly gripping hard. His vision blurred and all he wanted was to let Fuji continue while no one is watching in the auditorium -

Auditorium! His eyes flew wide, realising where they were. Fuji had asked him to this lecture of rare plants and chosen the highest seat. Far away from the lecturer's sight, Fuji felt bored and began to turn his attention on his speciment/lover.

Tezuka grabbed Fuji's hand, ignoring the gasp but gently brought his hand back to his side.

Fuji did not borther his captain after that.


It was a rare occasion to invite the rest of the regulars to Fuji's house. Fuji had successfully grown a catcus hybrid and shown it to his professor who gave him the highest marks in his faculty - as expected from a genius, everyone would say.

But no one understood its significance. It was just the occassion that mattered - it had been a long time since they had gathered - even more rare that Tezuka had flown all the way from Germany - and - with Fuji's repeated calls - Ryoma flying down all the way from America.

Among the reputed singles' player of the former Seigaku Tennis club Fuji stayed in Japan, continuing his education. However he declined Tokyo University's offer to pursue his studies in Seigaku University.

Each of them had not changed much - they decided not to let any circumstances change them.

But they knew why Fuji had invited them here. No one dared to take the initiative - or so it seemed.


It had been years since they heard this address, especially from Ryoma. They stopped their merriment and each fell into silence.


The atmosphere tensed as the rest knew Tezuka and Ryoma may break each other's rackets, hands and limbs as they compete face-to-face in a tennis singles' international match one day.

"Heard about it, Buchou's condition." Ryoma casually drank from his Ponta can.

That hit the nail on the head. Fuji bit his lip, hoping that Tezuka would not know the true objective of this gathering.

"Ah." Was the former captain's reply.

"Any plans?" Their favourite ochibi continued, still drinking from his can.

Momoshiro tried his luck. "Tezuka buchou, wouldn't you like to come back -"

The cup that their former captain was holding had rested on the table. Fuji knew. If he had suggested, Tezuka would burst at him. However in the presence of others, he would keep his cool and try to think calmly as he spoke, "I have."

Fuji's heart leapt, he almost clapped his hands together smiling, "That's wonderful, ne?" but he knew it was not the right time. Trust Ryoma to be casual about it. "When?"

Each of them held back their eager anticipation.

"Hyoutei's coming back with a bang, Atobe that spoilt king of a brat had donated a huge sum of money to the sports association for tennis." The reigning Prince of Tennis looked squarely in his former captain's eyes. "I'm coming back, buchou."

"Everyone, I'm sorry. I have to think about it." Tezuka Kunimitsu's answer ended the gathering.


"That was uncalled for."

Fuji gazed at the night sky. Fuji had asked Tezuka to stay at his place since his sister is away on a business trip.

Tezuka stared into the sky in silence.

"You have no family there," Fuji continued. "It must be hard being alone." What more, Fuji? "I can't -" he broke off. He couldn't go on.

"Fuji." The eyes once hard had softened to a gaze so fixed in Fuji's eyes as he felt a strong arm around his trembling self.

"Let me go." Fuji pleaded. He couldn't bear to see his lover leaving him.

"You told me to stay." The hand was so warm as he felt his lover gently wiping away his tears, slowly bringing him to rest on the wooden floor.

"Why..did you come back..?"

"Because it has been long."