Thursday, January 28, 2010



Johann stirred, half-awake as he felt the rays of the sun warming his pale cheeks. He turned his back away from the light - that did not work as his back was exposed to the sunlight. Sighing, he gave up, slowly rising from the side of the bed. With half-closed eyes he groped around and jerked up his tights, grabbed his tunic and clumsily pulled it over his head. He ruffled his silky long blonde hair with such ease - that would make any maiden glare in jealousy - and trudged to the window, made a quick glance at his lute to see if it was still there, squinting, as his eyes tried to get use to the morning daylight.

The birds were singing their melodic tunes as they happily basked themselves in the peaceful greeting of the morning sun. Johann's vision cleared and he found himself gazing at the bright green leaves of the tree that stood by the window. He breathed in - and sneezed at the sudden rush of the cold morning breeze.

"Oh," he realised he had frightened the little birds as they fluttered away into the soft blue sky.

Johann's thoughts drifted as he stood transfixed at the beauty of nature before him.

"A year it has been, has it not.."