..all we could do was wait, wait, wait
How did it happen!
I don't know..all I could hear was noises..terrible, terrible noises..I remembered burying my face in my hands. I couldn't say a word.
I remembered..
It seemed like a strange night to them because both of us were not in the mood to open our mouths or manage a smile during the party. The answer was obvious. Earlier I changed our meeting time: I wanted to know the truth.
You smiled..the smile I can never forget. Everytime when the world seems to be full of hypocrites you barge into my barrier of thoughts which I had tried so hard not to let anyone read them.
"What's the matter?"
Your voice..I thought my knees would give way whenever I hear you, even in the silence of the night
Your touch..you always slide your hand into mine in public, ignoring all stares.
And all I ever want..is you.
I didn't answer. I led you to the park - to that very spot where you first found it - where no one could ever see us, even in broad daylight. Face to face, still you looked at me with your azure blue eyes
~"I'd like try on those tricoloured-green contact lens one day"
"Not allowed."
That was the first and the last of the tricoloured-green-contact-lens topic~
I want the truth, I want it more than anybody else. Perhaps your sister knew about it. Perhaps you told your younger brother. Why am I the last to know..
"Lost in your thoughts again." There was a hint of impatience in your gentle voice. Your breath..so close..to my skin..where-
"I'm here.."
I remembered closing my eyes..your clothes are in our way..
"No." I remembered pushing you away, I shut my eyes tight to ignore that..mischevious glint in your eyes..I- "Is there someone else!"
"No..no..that's not-" Why wasn't I thinking!
It was when I felt you left my grasp, leaving me alone. But I saw you walking to my car..
~"Buy a car"
"No. No one uses it except you the driver in the front..and on the back seat.."
That somehow settled the drive-uh-car-buying issue~
You would always find a loop somewhere along my arm and hook yours to mine in the darkness of the night whenever I lock the car..but not that night. Without a word, you had walked ten metres in front..and away..from me..
I couldn't call for you. I just couldn't. Tell me!
Everyone was surprised: I walked in after him. We would always enter together and come out together..but not that night. They did not know he had entered the party venue.
I couldn't stay long, I did not want to. I had enough. We have not settled that topic. I had to leave early before the police start making alcohol-breath-tests. In my depression I think I drank a little too much-only you can cause me to have emotions..
I knew you were sullenly following behind me, for you always refused any driver's offer to send you home, saying you already have a designated chaffeur - and come running after me.
You did not run to me that night. You did not grab my arm to give me your "surprise-brush-my-lips-against-yours"..
~"Never do that again."
That settled the topic~
You would always be the first to start a topic..and leave me breathless-but not that night.
Mechanical. Routine. That was how I start the car that night. That was how I almost banged onto another car reversing and accelerating hard and fast-
~"It isn't me you're driving, *Furant'-sito-san."~
60km/h: I tried my best to lighten the situation
"I'm driving a car."
"Our car, ne.."~
I tried to relate those what-you-would-call-it-cute-exchanges but I couldn't. Enough is enough.
"The truth."
"Tell-" I raised my voice a little-my head..the alcohol-
Throbbing..I must stop..to rest..but you spoke..?..finally..I could..touch you..once more..
I felt you grabbing my tired arms, shouting.."Wha-"
I couldn't remember anything more. I couldn't..
All I could hear were noises. All I could smell was something so horrendous that I will always remember for the rest of my life. All I could make out was those irritating flashing red lights searing my vision apart.
They said I was fine-but not for you. They told me they had called your home-your sister was the first to answer.
And now she was held back by-who i can't..remember-after shaking me so hard crying.
The alcohol in my head is cleared now.
But not our topic.
All we could do was wait
and hope
for you
to live
and love..
Hope you like it, although it's BL. Sorry if I have drifted: I haven't written this long a length for a long time!!! I tried to stay on as much as possible, trying to keep the flow with understandable Engrish although it's past my sleeping time. I have deliberately ignored some English grammar rules in favour of manga/anime.
Yes, I was inspired by a TezukaxFuji fanfic writer's on the theme of a car accident. This is my own version.
Actually I did not want the story to be so obvious that it is a Tezuka/Fuji fanfic. I wanted it neutral so that both male-and-female-readers can relate comfortably to the story. I'm quite surprised I can flow along the fanfic preferred style of expression.
Comments on my writing style appreciated!!!
(*Furant'-sito-san = the Japanese-foreign pronounciation of "Mr Font-seat", as how I would think Fuji Syuusuke the genius-how many languages does he speak and understand?!-would abbreviate it)
(from church) XD. said...
OMG ANGST TEZUKA <3_<3>.<~! - not putting in my real name after finding out in school what random people can do to your name if you post it on a website >_< title="comment permalink" href="http://youngminstrel.blogspot.com/2008/06/my-first-long-tezukafuji-fanfic-warning.html?showComment=1214718600000#c6658309425073179653">1:50 PM
Young Minstrel said...
THANK YOU!!!!oh sorry if my story blurblur..i'll relate the main points
Fuji did not die: he suffered major injures from the car crash thus was in the hospital-operation room while Fuji's elder sister n Tezuka waited outside
It happened because Tezuka was very depressed. He wanted to know if there was a third person in their relationship until he drank too much alcohol n drunk-drive n Fuji was sitting beside him
The depression n alcohol was too much for Tezuka until he almost lost consciousness thus made a wrong turn
when Fuji finally broke the silence by shouting "WRONG TURN!", Tezuka was so relieved that he let go of the steering wheel bcos he wanted to touch Fuji. Fuji tried to grab the steering wheel but it was too late - they crashed
11:31 PM
explodreamer said...
yoz~ nice one... I like the mood in it. Too bad i dun go for PoT.... it's a good start... do write more!
Oh yea... and ur furuba link:http://www.savefile.com/files/1670530
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1 comment:
Hm, this is really good ^^ I love your writing style, not often I read a fic like this.
I love the way it was played out and Tezuka's emotions through out this.
Mou~ I hope Fuji gets better, but baka Tezuka driving while drunk!!!
Wah I can only imagine the chaos and the 'talk' after all of this, when Fuji's better and more able to reprimand Tezuka ><*
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